Attentive Legal Services For Individuals and Families In Wisconsin

Many things have changed throughout the past 50 years, but Laffey, Sebranek, Auby & Ristau, S.C. remains the firm individuals, couples and families turn to for attentive service and honest legal advice in Sun Prairie, Madison, and surrounding communities.

Today, our focus remains on providing our clients with answers to their questions, strong advocacy, and peace of mind as they pursue their best interests. From safeguarding your rights in court to protecting your assets and loved ones, you can rely on us to protect what matters most.

Protecting Your and Your Family’s Legal Interests

We provide a wide range of important legal services to individuals and families, including:

Family looking into the future

We know that one-size-fits-all solutions will not be enough to protect your family and assets. You can rely on our attorneys to find customized solutions for any legal issues you face today, and identify and resolve sources of future liability before they threaten what you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step to protect you and your family. From our offices in Sun Prairie and Madison, we represent individuals and families throughout Wisconsin.